Sunday, December 14, 2008


It's Sunday night. I'm in the bed watching Street Kings with Marcus. I do not want to go to fuckin work in the morning. And I shouldn't have to. Come January 1 when my leave starts over again, I will be effin M.I.A.! And that's that!


Ty said...

I don't have the option of a leave without it being permanent. LOL. So I am sitting my ass here at work now. Looking forward to Friday already.

Darius T. Williams said...

LOL - boy - get up and go to work! And love it!

Unknown said...

ain't that some shit...we minorities hate to work...which says a lot about what we do for a living.

houstonmacbro said...

Cocoa - in a lot of places we are no longer the minorities. LOL

Chet said...

Happy New Year, hope that 2009 will be better for you although you had a fairly good yera this past year.

Oh yeah there are to many stories behind this so I will be nice.